Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Fun Play-date with our Good Friends

This week it was such a treat to have Leslie and baby Sulli in town for a visit. Since Baby B and Sulli were born, Leslie and I have had difficulty traveling to see each other like we did in the pre-motherhood days. Since the babies were born our visits have been very brief and mostly "baby" related. This made it so special to get to spend two full afternoons with them chatting and laughing. Baby B takes one nap in the middle of the day and Sulli takes a morning and afternoon nap, so they didn't have a lot of playtime, but Leslie and I got plenty of one-on-one time with the awake baby and lots of time to chat and catch up. It was so nice having them around! Leslie is one of my oldest, best, and funniest friends and she still has the ability to keep me in stitches WHENEVER I'm around her. In the photo with the babies, Baby B wasn't wanting to sit still on the couch. Since I was taking the picture, Leslie started dancing and singing and flapping around like a CRAZY person. You can tell by the expressions on their faces that they didn't know whether to laugh or just stare at her in pure confusion. I could hardly take the photo from laughing so hard. Hopefully we can get together again before the end of the summer!
Leslie sent her love to all of Pamela's Girls!
~Mommy M

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