Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Work in Progress

Hello to all my Pamela's Girls - hope you are all having a good week.

I wanted to show a little of what SS and I have been doing lately. On May 23rd, we prepared our living room and hall to have hardwood floors put in. We cleared out the living room except for the couch and 2 recliners, including our much beloved television.

That Monday morning, the contractor called, was sick and in the hospital, but hoped to get out that day. He was in the hospital all that week, and the next. Finally, he was going to start the week we were at Hilton Head, June 14. That day he called and said his doctor said he just wasn't ready, so SS called around and found someone else - more expensive but much more qualified - to do it, but he couldn't start until June 29. He was able to come and get the floors in that week.

In the meantime, the couch and old comfy recliner looked mighty dowdy to be sitting on pretty new floors. So we thought it might be time to purchase a new sofa. After looking at several places, SS saw one he really liked so we got that, as well as a new leather recliner to match his.

Then our blue wing-back recliner didn't match the sofa, so we decided to have it reupholstered. This of course also necessitated new window treatments, as well as an area rug.

Finally, the old carpet going up the stairs looked pretty shabby next to those pretty wood floors, so we are going to have those re-carpetted the middle of August. Whew, talk about one thing leading to another! This is the new look so far:

Once it is all complete and everything is back in place. I know we will be able to sit back and enjoy it - and maybe not make any more changes for another 15 years!

Love to all, CiCi

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