Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

We started our New Year with a new purchase.

After staying in different hotels last summer, we realized that our bed had gotten to be very uncomfortable.

When SS and I got married in 1970, we had a lot of love, but very little money. Our first home was a fully furnished, small doll-house sized guest house in someone's back yard.

We saved up our money and moved to a less expensive($100 a month) unfurnished apartment, but had to buy furniture. SS got a $1,000 loan from C & S Bank, where he worked, and we bought furniture and appliances -living room sofa and chair, maple kitchen table and chairs, refrigerator, washing machine, used stove, and a bedroom set with mattresses and headboard, dresser, and chest of drawers in the then-popular "Mediterranean" style. As other styles came and went over the years - Oak furniture in the 80's, 4-poster Rice beds and cherry furniture in the 90's - new houses and children came along and there never seemed to be the money to replace what we already had that was perfectly useful.

This fall, however, in the hopes of finding something that would help SS sleep better, we started looking at new mattresses. After trying out dozens of mattresses in Florence and Columbia, we finally decided on one we had seen at the first place we looked. SS also liked the look of the iron bed that it was on, so we decided to get that as well. Both of our grandmothers had had iron beds, so I think it was nostalgic for both of us.

I had looked at new bedding as well, and finally decided on one with a quilt that seemed to match the style of the bed. Now, when one of us gets in or out of bed at night, there is no movement or bouncing to wake the other up. I think it has helped SS sleep a "little" better, but I LOVE it - it's like sleeping on a cloud!
My wish for all my Pamela's girls and our families is for a year filled with joyful days and restful nights as we enjoy all the blessings the Lord has bestowed upon us.
Love to all, CiCi

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