Saturday, May 21, 2011

Painting Night With A Friend

This past Wednesday night, my good friend, Leslie, and I went to a painting workshop night in Brentwood, Tennessee near where Uncle R and I house and puppy-sit for sweet little Merry & Bright. This particular business offers a different painting every night and you have the chance to look at the calendar of paintings and pick a night based on on what you would like to try to recreate.

A few weeks ago Leslie had seen that there was a Groupon offered for half-off the normal price for this painting workshop and asked if I would like to join her for a night of painting and chatting. She and I don't have many chances to see each other and catch up, so I jumped on this opportunity for art and friendship combined. We looked at the calendar of paintings and agreed upon a night.

I don't know if the rest of the Pamela's Girls ever take advantage of Groupons in your area but they can be very handy for trying a restaurant or service companies at an often greatly reduced price. Groupons are basically on-line coupons that become effective once a determined number of people buy into them. Uncle R and I have purchased several Groupons over the last couple of years to a few different restaurants and have enjoyed using them to take friends and family to supper at fun and interesting places.

So - Leslie and I enjoyed a creative artwork evening using acrylics (which always feel a bit awkward to me after my more familiar oil paints), sitting side by side and painting the same painting as the teacher took us through step by step.

As always when painting, I have moments when I am pleased with my execution and many more when I stare at it in dismay and wonder why I EVER pick up a brush.

But - nonetheless - we did have a great time, enjoyed spending an evening together and - also - I have an art addition to my office walls.

I would love to think that Mommy M might be able to come and take one of these classes with me sometime!!!

Love to the Pamela's Girls and special Birthday Wishes to SS!!!
Auntie J

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