Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

I want to thank my sweet family so much for the gifts, cards, and flowers I received for Mother's Day. I loved them all and felt very much loved and appreciated!

All day the verse from Proverbs 25:11: "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold, In settings of silver," kept going through my mind, as SS and I spent the day thinking about our mothers, and how much they had taught and guided us, and how blessed we were to have had them. We went to church and out to lunch with Mommy M and her precious little family, and I wore pearls that were Pamela's and Mommas' ring, so I felt kind of wrapped in memories of them and their love all day. I couldn't find a picture of Grandmommy and Granddaddy N that I thought was taken on Mother's Day, but I remember being in Charleston several times when Granddaddy would get roses from his garden for us to pin on like a corsage - red if your mother was living, and white if she had passed. That always seemed a little sad and somber to me. These pictures of Pamela and Mommas in her pose, are the way I always visualize them now. They were wonderful role models for us, and I hope Auntie J and I can live up to the ideal that they set.

Love to all my Pamela's girls - hope you will all have a wonderful week!


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