Thursday, October 13, 2011

My Sweet Boys and Me

It is hard to believe that less than 2 months ago, I was still carrying around hefty Baby M. Although he cries a good bit and is up several times during the night still, I'm much happier that he is in my arms rather than my tummy. He is such a sweet baby! He's starting to coo, bat, kick and smile. I wondered if I would think all of Baby M's milestones were has cute as Bo's were since I have already experienced them once, but I have to say that Baby M's first smiles melt my heart as much as Bo's did.
Although Bo has been sick a lot since he started school, it hasn't stopped him from learning new things on Daddy L's ipad and learning all sorts of new phrases like "Sorry Ma Ma, tank ewe Ma Ma and Otay Da da." He continues to amaze me more and more every day with the new things he can do and say.
And for the finale to my post, here is an absolutely adorable video of the two brothers. Bo likes for Baby M to bat at his face, so he's trying to make him rub his face. I had to abruptly stop it at the end because I got worried as to what Bo was going to do to Baby M next but I wish I had kept recording because he gave him "baby."
I hope Pamela's Girls have a wonderful weekend!
~Mommy M

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